My Pet Needs Urgent Care!
My pet needs urgent care!
Gums that are NOT nice bright carnation pink
Sudden and prolonged inability to stand or walk
Pain when pressing in on the abdomen from both sides
Greater than 30 full respirations per minute *at rest* for prolonged periods of time
Respiratory distress (or prolonged open-mouth breathing, in cats)
Vomiting more than 2x per hour for more than 8 consecutive hours
Repeatedly trying to vomit but nothing is coming up (ie. stomach bloat in dogs)

Complete anorexia (refusing all food) for more than 5 consecutive days
Copious diarrhea or vomiting that is pure, or mostly, blood (not specks of blood)
Complete inability to urinate (*especially male cats*)
Prolonged rectal temperature over 103°F (or under 98°F)
Swollen face/throat (allergic reaction) that is progressive and not responsive to benadryl
Known toxin ingestion (call POISON CONTROL 888.426.4435)
Seizures in non-epileptic animals, or cluster seizures
Continuously vocalizing in pain
If your pet fits into any of the above descriptions (especially more than one description), then he or she likely needs to be seen at the ER. However, if your pet does NOT fit into any of the above descriptions, it's likely fine to wait and seek assistance through your regular veterinarian. In the event of a TRUE EMERGENCY, we have 3 local options for emergency care:
Ocean View Veterinary Hospital (609) 486-5025
Absecon Veterinary Hospital (609) 646-7013
Linwood Pet Hospital (609) 926-5300
For 24hr emergency care: Mt. Laurel Veterinary Hospital (856) 234-7626